
  • 报告人:
  • 时间:Prof. Schwingenschl?gl
  • 地点:东配楼五楼大会议室
  • 报告人:钱骏 教授
  • 时间:2018.12.20 下午2:00
  • 地点:东配楼五楼大会议室



报告题目:Nanostructures for Flying q-bits and Green Photonics

报告人  Dieter Bimberg 院士


报告时间:2017年8月16日  上午10:30







    Universal self-organization and self-ordering effects at surfaces of semiconductors lead to the formation of coherent zero-dimensional clusters, quantum dots (QDs). The electronic and optical properties of QDs, being smaller than the de-Broglie-wavelength in all three directions of space are close to those of atoms in a dielectric cage than of solids. Their delta-function-like energy eigenstates are only twofold (spin) degenerate. All few particle excitonic states are strongly Coulomb correlated due to the strong carrier localisation. Their energies depend on shape and size of the dots, such that positive, zero or negative biexciton binding energies and finestructure splitting (caused by exchange interaction) appear.

    Consequently, single QDs present the most practical possible basis of emitters of single polarized photons (Q-bit emitters) on demand or entangled photons via the biexciton-exciton cascade for future quantum cryptography, repeaters and communication systems. Embedding them in electrically pumped resonant cavity structures, they can emit single photons at rates beyond 1 Gbit/s. Using GaN-based structures room temperature operation is possible.

   Multiple QD layers, as active materials for nano-optoelectronic devices like edge and surface emitting lasers, or semiconductor optical amplifiers, are extremely promising. Their properties, in particular their energy efficiency, are outperforming those of photonic devices based on higher dimensional systems.

    Semiconductor nanotechnologies transform presently to enabling technologies for new economies. The commercialization of nano-devices and systems has started. High bit rate and secure quantum cryptographic system, nano-flash memories, ultra-high speed nano-photonic devices for metropolitan area networks, the 400 Gbit/s Ethernet,… present some of the first fields of applications of nano-devices.


      Dieter Bimberg教授德国科学院院士、俄罗斯科学院院士、美国工程院院士以及美国国家发明院院士,德国柏林工业大学固态物理和光电子技术研究所所长、纳米光子中心主任,同时还是美国物理学会Fellow、IEEE Fellow、欧盟Optoelectronics Consortium主席,也是6家高科技公司的创建成员。Bimberg教授是半导体器件物理、量子器件、纳米光电子学、纳米制造领域的国际著名学者,发表论文1500余篇,被引51000余次(H-index 101),发明专利26项,编写了7本著作。

   Bimberg教授也是量子点激光器的发明人之一,在量子点激光器、光子晶体激光器、高速垂直腔面发射激光器等领域研究上取得了一系列独创的、世界领先的研究成果。鉴于其突出贡献,他2001年获得了普京总统颁发的Russian State Prize of Science and Technology (自1955年首位外籍获奖者),2006年被IOP和DPG联合颁发马克斯-玻恩奖章,2010年被IEEE光学学会授予William Streifer Award,2012年获得UNESCO纳米科学奖,2015年获得Heinrich-Welker-Award,并于2017年依托长春光机所当选为“中国科学院国际杰出学者” (原“爱因斯坦讲席教授”)。



发光室项目办  2017/8/15